Meet Tiffany

Would you like to know something interesting? I never actually planned to use my business degree. I was a music major in my freshmen year at Hampton University. After some professional advice, I changed my major to business sophomore year. My goal was to be able to manage my music career.

After I graduated from Hampton, I returned home and very quickly saw that my home church needed some marketing help. I rebuilt their online brand and over time helped them to increase their social media presence and create an online campus. 

In 2012, I took my skills and leaped into full-time entrepreneurship. I launched books, coached, and hosted events. I was able to make a living from my purpose and passion. Since then I have shown countless women how to turn their knowledge and expertise into books, courses, coaching programs, events, and 6-figure+ businesses.

One thing that I have learned over the years is that shaping women’s businesses is very personal. It is my honor to help them shape their dreams. It is my passion to see them bring their visions to life, introduce their message to new people, and change their family’s lives with dramatically increased income.